December 2019

We're happy to share a list of the titles we've sold on behalf of our clients in the last month:
- AA.VV. editor Andrew Blauner, The Peanut Papers, Teseo (LindaKaplan/Library of America)
- Joan Baez, And a Voice to Sing with, Bietti (S&S)
- Kimberly Belle, Dear Wife, Newton Compton (Harlequin)
- Amy Rose Bennett, How to Catch a Wicked Viscount , Mondolibri (PenUS/Berkley)
- Jo Beverley, Devilish, Mondadori (PenUS/Berkley)
- Richard Boyatzis, Melvin Smith, Ellen Van Oosten, Helping People Change, Unicomunicazione (Harvard Business Review Press)
- Karsten Brensing, Das Mysterium der Tiere, Newton (Aufbau)
- Quint Buchholz, Alles hat seine Zeit, Beissler (Hanser)
- Emily Carroll, Through the Woods, Tunuè (Sanford Greenburger)
- Susanne Foitzik, Olaf Fritsche, Weltmacht auf sechs Beinen, Aboca (Rowohlt)
- Nina George, Südlichter, Sperling & Kupfer (Keil & Keil)
- Michail Gorbachev, Was auf den Spiel steht, Baldini (Random)
- Chris Gosden, The History of Magic, Rizzoli (PenUK)
- Byung Chul Han, Vom Verschwinden der Rituale, Notttempo (Ullstein)
- Byung Chul Han, Lob der Erde, Nottetempo (Ullstein)
- Ryan Holiday, Stillness Is the Key, The Lives of the Stoics, Hoepli (PenUS/Portfolio)
- Lena Johannson, Die Villa an der Elbchaussee, Newton (Aufbau)
- Patrice Karst, The Invisible String, Sonda (Little Brown)
- Patrice Karst, The Invisible Leash, Sonda (Little Brown)
- Arik Kershenbaum, The Zoologist's Guide to the Galaxy, Il Saggiatore (PenUK)
- Ichiro Kishimi, Fumitake Koga, The Courage to Be Happy, DeA Planeta (Tuttle-Mori Agency)
- Adib Khorram, Darius the Great Is Not Okay, Rizzoli (Dial/PengUSA)
- Dalai Lama, Franz Alt, Der Klima-Appell des Dalai Lama an die Welt. Rettet die Umwelt, Giunti (Benevento /Red Bull)
- Simone Lappert, Der Sprung, Guanda (Diogenes)
- Ann Leckie, The Raven Tower, Mondadori (Gernert)
- Johanna Lindsey, When Passion Rules, Mondadori (S&S/Gallery)
- Johanna Lindsey, Temptation’s Darling, Mondadori (S&S/Gallery)
- Kat Menschick, Murakami Schlaf, Einaudi (Dumont)
- George Monbiot, Swallow This, Mondadori (PenUK)
- Christine Nöstlinger, Rosa Riedl Schutzgespenst, Nuova Frontiera (Fischer)
- Jennifer Orkin Lewis, 100 Days of Drawing, 24Ore Cultura (Abrams)
- Johnny Pitts, Afropean, EDT (PenUK)
- Martin Pollack, Die Frau ohne Grab, Keller (Zsolnay)
- Laura Purcell, The Corset, DeA Planeta (Caskie Mushens)
- Josef H. Reichholf, Das Leben der Eichhörnchen, Aboca (Hanser)
- Josef H. Reichholf, Symbiosen, Aboca (Matthes&Seitz)
- Karl Schlögel , Städteantologie, Keller (Hanser)
- Teresa Simon , Die Oleanderfrauen, Newton (Random Verlagsgruppe)
- Peter Sloterdijk , Im selben Boot, ETS (Suhrkamp)
- Kate Spicer, Lost Dog, Sperling&Kupfer (Caskie Mushens)
- Peter Straub, Mr. X, Fanucci (Gernert)
- Peter Straub, Koko, Fanucci (Gernert)
- Peter Straub, Mystery, Fanucci (Gernert)
- Peter Straub, The Throat, Fanucci (Gernert)
- Peter Straub, Ghost Story, Fanucci (Gernert)
- Uwe Timm, Axel Scheffler, Rennschwein Rudi Rüssel, Feltrinelli (dtv)
- Uwe Timm, Axel Scheffler, Die Zugmaus, Feltrinelli (dtv)
- Ilija Trojanow , Der Weltensammler, EDT (Hanser)
- Arthur Yeung, Dave Ulrich, Reinventing the Organization, FrancoAngeli (Harvard Business Review Press)
- Bärbel Wardetzki, Loslassen und dranbleiben, Feltrinelli URRA (Random Verlagsgruppe)