Wilhelm-Raabe-Literaturpreis 2024 - The Shortlist

The five novels shortlisted for the Wilhelm-Raabe-Literaturpreis 2024 have been announced. The award ceremony is scheduled for November 3.
All the shortlisted titles are represented in Italy by our agency, here they are:
- Ulrike Edschmid, Die letzte Patientin (The Last Patient) - Suhrkamp Verlag
- Roman Ehrlich, Videotime (Videotime) - S. Fischer Verlag
- Maren Kames, Hasenprosa (Hare Prose) - Suhrkamp Verlag. Longlisted also for The German Book Prize 2024!
- Judith Kuckart, Die Welt zwischen den Nachrichten (The World Between the News) - DuMont
- Saša Stanišić, Möchte die Witwe angesprochen werden, platziert sie auf dem Grab die Gießkanne mit dem Ausguss nach vornem (When the Widow Wants Someone To Talk to Her, She Puts the Watering Can on the Grave with the Spout Facing Forward) - Luchterhand (PRH)
The prestigious Prize, which is awarded annually by the city of Braunschweig in cooperation with Deutschlandfunk, is endowed with € 30,000. Previous winners include Judith Hermann, Jan Faktor, Judith Schalansky, Thomas Hettche and Clemens J. Setz.