Joseph Breitbach 2024 goes to Anne Weber

The Joseph Breitbach Foundation and the Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Literatures in Mainz have awarded the Joseph Breitbach Prize 2024 to Anne Weber.
Mondadori recently acquired the rights to Bannmeilen (March 2024, Matthes & Seitz) and published the historical novel dedicated to the exploits of Annette Beaumanoir: Annette, un poema eroico (2021, tr. by Agnese Grieco). The book won the Deutscher Buchpreis in 2020 and was a candidate to the Strega European Prize in 2021.
Weber received the Joseph Breitbach Prize for her Work and for her valuable contribution to the mediation between French and German literature.
According to the jury: "Anne Weber finds a different narrative form for every subject [...] What unites her novels, which never cease to amaze, is a pronounced sensitivity of perception, a laconic yet graceful humour and a relentless seriousness in the search for the appropriate word in each case." (...) "an innovative and tradition-conscious mediator between French and German literatures and worlds".
The prize is endowed with 50,000 Euros. The award ceremony will take place on 20 September in Koblenz, Joseph Breitbach's hometown.