Hölderlin Preis 2021
Il premio Hölderlin, dotato con EUR 20.000, è stato conferito quest'anno a Marcel Beyer per la sua opera letteraria.
Dalla motivazione della giuria: »In more than three decades Marcel Beyer has created an œuvre that uniquely enriches German-language literature with its literary diversity and his poetological thirst for knowledge. Marcel Beyer proves himself a sensitive [writer] who has not only mastered various genres when writing novels, poetry, essays, short stories and operatic libretti. […] Novels like Flughunde (1995) from Hitler’s bunker or Kaltenburg (2008), which spans across 70 years set in burning Dresden, show Marcel Beyer as an unerring observer of internal processes as well as milieus and social ambience. Volumes of poetry such as Graphit (2014), Dämonenräumdienst (2020) or Das blindgeweinte Jahrhundert (2017), the series of lectures he gave as a visiting lecturer in Frankfurt, drill deep into the last century, its horror, its myths, its pop-cultural everyday experiences in a poetic way, contrary to merely illustrating realism. Marcel Beyer’s curiosity is captivating, his gaze bold, his language musical. His literature narrates the world in an unexpected manner.«
Qui potete trovare maggiori informazioni sul premio, e qui la pagina dell'autore dal sito Suhrkamp, con tutte le sue opere.
In Italia sono usciti per Einaudi PIpistrelli e Forme originarie della paura.