Marzo 2019

Ci fa piacere segnalarvi i titoli B&G venduti nell’ultimo mese:
- Bertolt Brecht, Schriften zur Literatur und Kunst, Meltemi (Suhrkamp)
- Jean Case, Be Fearless, Edizioni Crisalide (Simon & Schuster)
- Janet Skeslien Charles, The Paris Library, Garzanti (Linda Kaplan)
- Richard Eaton, India in the Persianate age, Hoepli (PenUK)
- Jennie Fields, Atomic Love, Sperling & Kupfer (PenUS/ Putnam)
- Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Fern die Klage des Fauns, Unicopli (Random)
- Thomas Girst, Alle Zeit der Welt, ADD (Hanser)
- Peter Handke, Die linkshändige Frau, Guanda (Suhrkamp)
- Romy Hausmann, Liebes Kind, Giunti (DTV)
- Rahel Jaeggi, Kritik von Lebensformen, Mimesis (Suhrkamp)
- Paul Kemp-Robertson e Chris Barth, The Contagious Commandments, FrancoAngeli (PenUK)
- John P. Kotter, Leading Change, Fausto Lupetti Editore (Harvard Business Review Press)
- Avi Loeb, Extraterrestrial, Mondadori (Mary Evans)
- Philip Mansel, King of the World. The Life of Louis XIV, Mondadori (PenUK)
- Petros Markaris, Il tempo dell’ipocrisia, Teseo (Diogenes)
- Michelle Marly, Madame Piaf und das Lied der Liebe, Giunti (Aufbau)
- Rebecca Martin , Die vergessene Freundin, Newton Compton (Random)
- Julie Murphy, Dear Sweet Pea, Mondadori (Folio)
- Tea Obreht, Inland, Rizzoli (Gernert)
- Stephan Orth, Couchsurfing in China, Keller (Piper)
- Stephan Orth, Couchsurfing in Russland, Keller (Piper)
- James Patterson, Lifeguard, Tre60 (Linda Kaplan)
- James Patterson, Instinct, Longanesi (Linda Kaplan)
- James Patterson, 16th Seduction, Longanesi (Linda Kaplan)
- Mike Pearl, The Day It Finally Happens, Il Saggiatore (S&S/Scribner)
- Jana Revedin, Jeder hier nennt mich Frau Bauhaus, Neri Pozza (Dumont)
- Roland Schulz , So sterben wir, Punto d’incontro (Piper)
- Charles Spence, Gastrophysics, Readrink (PenUK)
- Brad Stone, Amazon Unbound, Hoepli (Simon &Schuster)
- Mark Synnott, The Impossible Climb, Corbaccio (MacKenzie Wolf)
- Ulrich Van Loyen, Neapels Unterwelt, Meltemi (Matthes & Seitz)