Ariane Koch riceve l'»aspekte« Literaturpreis
Complimenti ad Ariane Koch, che si aggiudica il premio »aspekte« 2021 con l'esordio Die Aufdrängung (The Imposition), pubblicato da Suhrkamp Verlag!
Qui la motivazione della giuria:
Ariane Koch's debut novel The Imposition is a convincing, highly complex linguistic image: a woman struggles with an uninvited, unknown, unexplained guest and with the projection surface of herself that this confrontation presents for her. In Koch's light, precise and yet dreamlike language, scenes emerge that – as in the theatre of the absurd – seem at first to make no sense at all and then a tremendous amount of sense. Derrida, writing about hospitality, stated that absolute hospitality means opening one's home: to ›give place‹ not only to the stranger, but also to the unknown, to the other without expecting reciprocity. Koch skilfully varies this postmodern utopia of opening oneself to the unknown in her impressive literary debut.
Il premio è dotato di € 10.000 e verrà consegnato in occasione della Buchmesse. I diritti per l'Italia sono ancora liberi, trovate qui un sample inglese.